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必威科研平台介绍(English version)

2015年08月31日 00:00  点击:[]

Core Facilities and Services in the Department

Labs in the department are equipped with up-to-date research facilities of a total value of 9,570,000 RMB in the lab area of 2560 square meters.

Cell Biology Laboratory

This laboratory is 

equipped with laser scanning confocal microscope (Olympus, FV1200-TIRFM), DIC fluorescence microscope (LEICA DM2500) and ultramicrotome (LEICA UC7). The facility could enable the faculty to carry out experiments regarding ultra-section, immunohistochemical assays and living cell imaging.



Biology Laboratory


Major equipments in this lab are PCR cycler (Eppendorf, Mastercycler pro), real-time PCR (ABI, StepOne Plus), pulsed field gel electrophoresis systems (Bio-Rad, CHEF-DR II), high speed centrifuge (Eppendorf, 5810R), ultrasonic cell disrupter (DIAGENOD, UCD-400TM), micro-volume UV-Vis spectrophotometer (NanoDrop, ND 2000). This lab provides the tools for gene expressing analysis, gene cloning and transformation.

Biochemistry Laboratory

The primary equipments are: gel image system (GE, Imagequant 300), 2-D Electrophoresis system (Bio-Rad, PROTEAN i12TM IEF), vacuum concentrators (Eppendorf, Concentrator Plus), freeze dry system (EYELA, FDU-1100). This lab is dedicated to meet the needs for protein separation, purification and protein-protein interaction assays.

Plant Genetics Laboratory

The core facilities in this lab include Portable Photosynthesis System (PP System, TPS-2), NIR spectrophotometer(FOSS, NIRS DA 1650TM), automatic seed analyzer (WSeen, SC-G), stereo microscopes (Leica M165C; Nikon, SMZ745; Olympus, SZ51), which providing high quality technical support for plant phenotype analysis and mutant screening.

Plant Growth and Culture Facilities

The center has established one tissue culture room and two climate rooms. In addition, we also founded experimental fields of 12 MU on campus and 200 MU on coastal saline area in Dongying and Weifang in cooperation with local governments. All these facilities are utilized for screening salt-tolerant energy plants ranging from model plants to crop plants.